Where to go in Rwanda

Rwanda – the Land of a Thousand Hills is one of the smallest countries in Africa. In the past few years, Rwanda has quickly become known as a fascinating destination for wildlife and adventure. its crown name “The Land of a thousand hills” is due to the boundless mountains dominating this stunning little country.

From vast tracts of unspoilt, luscious vegetation, spectacular sightings of mountain gorillas in the mist, dense jungle forest and a healthy dose of culture and promise in Kigali, there is plenty to see and do.

Volcanoes National Park

As one of the only four forest reserves in the world that protect mountain gorillas and where gorilla trekking adventure occur, Volcanoes National Park is the Premier Tourism Destination in Rwanda offering visitors a chance to trek and spend intimate moment with the critically endangered mountain gorillas on trekking experience in the untamed jungle.

Volcanoes National Park stretches 62 square miles, part of the Virunga Mountains region made of nine Volcanoes that extends into neighboring Uganda and Democratic Republic of Congo.

Volcanoes National Park is home to about half of the world’s endangered mountain gorillas and protects 12 habituated gorillas groups/families open for tourism as well as research. To take part in gorilla trekking in Volcanoes National Park, you need a gorilla permit costing US$ 1,500 per person per trek. A maximum of 8 people is allowed to see each gorilla family daily.

In addition to the endangered mountain gorillas, Volcanoes National Park is also home to the endangered golden monkeys. These hyper-cherub-cheeked primates swing through the bamboo forests, occasionally swooping down to the forest floor for a particular choice bamboo shoot. Other wildlife species in Volcanoes National Park include forest elephants, buffaloes, spotted hyenas and over 200 bird species.

Highlights of Volcanoes National Park

  • A rich mosaic of montane ecosystems, combination of evergreen and bamboo forest, open grassland, swamp and heath, alive with the calls of 200 colorful bird species.
  • A chain of dormant Volcanoes making up the Virunga Massif makes up the park, Mount Karisimbi standing at 4,507m is the highest volcano, Mount Bisoke with its verdant Crater Lake, Sabinyo, Gahinga and Muhabura.
  • A truly unique experience of tracking endangered mountain gorillas through the mystic rainforests
  • Gorilla permit in Volcanoes National Park costs $ 1,500 per person per trek, and only 8 people can track any of the twelve gorilla family groups available for tourism
Kigali City
Kigali City the capital city of Rwanda

Kigali City

Kigali City is not only the capital city of Rwanda, but also a spectacular destination. Kigali is named the cleanest and safest city in Africa thanks to various efforts to make the city clean and safe for both travelers and local people. For the last two decades Kigali City has seen a growing a number of infrastructures and services, the city is characterized by distinguished topography made of hills, ridges and valley that offers a very good scenery.

Highlights of Kigali City

  • The Kigali Genocide Memorial Center – this center commemorates the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi where more than one million people were killed in only around one hundred days. The centre houses different material and documentation on the Genocide.
  • The Rwanda Art Museum – The museum is housed in the former presidential palace and is one of the eight National Museums in the country. Within the museum displays of arts and crafts will show you how contemporary art was not left out.
  • Kimironko Local Market – this beautiful market is a unique shopping place in form of a warehouse complex, hundreds of vendors line one another with hanging products and others displayed on stands offering a warm smile to the next customer.

Akagera National Park

Founded in 1934 during the days of Belgian Colonial Rule, Akagera National Park is the only savannah park is Rwanda and the only place to see the Big Five. The park is located on the Tanzanian border in Eastern Rwanda, boasting 433 square miles of vast savanna grasslands, rolling highlands and unique papyrus swamps.

Where to go in Rwanda
wildlife viewing in Akagera National Park

Highlights of Akagera National Park

  • Abundat wildlife – Akagera National Park supports more than 13,000 animals seen on days and night drives.
  • Big Five – The Park is the only place in Rwanda where you get to see the Big Five – lions, leopards, elephants, rhinos and buffaloes.
  • Boat safaris on Lake Ihema where hippos and Nile crocodiles can be spotted in abundance.
  • Spectacular birding expeditions – Akagera National Park is home to almost 500 different species including the red-faced barbet, the white-collared oliveback, and the Carruthers’s cisticola among others.

Nyungwe Forest National Park

Sprawling magnificently across the elevated ridge that divides Africa’s two largest drainage systems, the Nile and the Congo. Nyungwe Forest National Park stretching 1,051 m² protects East Africa’s largest and oldest tract of montane rainforest in Africa.

This mountainous region is teeming with wildlife including a population of chimpanzees as well as 12 other species of primates including L’Hoest’s monkey endemic to the Albertine Rift.

Nyungwe Forest National Park is located in Southwest Rwanda along the border with Burundi.

Where to go in Rwanda
Nyungwe Forest National Park

Highlights of Nyungwe Forest National Park

  • Chimpanzee Trekking – with over 500 chimps, Nyungwe Forest is one of the popular destinations in Africa for chimpanzee trekking taking place every day with an early morning start. The trek offer visitors a chance of staying 1 hour in the presence of the chimpanzees.
  • Canopy Walk – introduced in October 2010, Nyungwe Forest Canopy Walk is a highlight of the park spanning 160 meters between trees and rises up to 90 feet above the forest floor. The canopy walk through the Nyungwe Forest begins at the Uwinka Visitor Center and is a 2 km walk through the untouched natural rainforest below the forest filled with exciting biodiversity and beautiful forest views.
  • Fascinating hiking experience – Nyungwe Forest is a paradise for hikers thanks to its steep terrain and extensive network of hiking trails. There are several trails running through the forest including The Congo – Nile Divide Trail, The Igishigishigi trail. Karamba trail, Umugote Trail and Umoyove Trail among others.

Start planning your Rwanda Safari with Rowin Africa Safaris.

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