Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda

Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda: Gorilla trekking experience is the best nature encounter every must have in a life time, the moment you will see a gorillas in person is life changing and Volcanoes National Park is the best time to have this fascinating encounter.

Mountain gorillas only exist in three countries, Rwanda, Uganda and Democratic Republic of Congo. As DR.Congo is currently not suitable for gorilla trekking, most people trek in Rwanda and Uganda.

Volcanoes National Park is the only Rwandan location where gorilla trekking is done, the park is situated on the northwestern border of Rwanda. It is part of the Virunga Conservation Area dominated by Virunga Volcanoes, which is shared by Uganda and Congo. Because of this, gorillas sometimes wander into Congo and Uganda, but they often stay on the Rwandan side.

Rwanda is a peaceful country with trackers and researchers who study, protect, and care for the gorillas. Mountain gorillas live in groups and that is how they move led by a dominant silverback of the group. For gorilla trekking in Volcanoes National Park, you are assigned to one of the 12 habituated families and once you locate your family, you get to stay one hour in their presence and take photos.

Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda
Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda

Is Gorilla Trekking Dangerous

No, mountain gorillas are gentle creatures unless they are threatened. The Silverback – the leader of the family is the one you have to lookout for. Fortunately, your gorilla trekking guide is able to communicate with the gorillas. They make a sound that means “we come in peace”, and they are able to read the moon of Silverbacks.

If the Silverback makes his “don’t get close!” sound, your guide will tell you to get on the ground and bow in submission. Your guide is trained and knows the gorillas extremely well. There has never been a gorilla attack on these treks and the stats prove themselves.

Before your trek

You need to acquire a gorilla trekking permit to take part in gorilla trekking in Rwanda, you can get a permit through the Rwanda Development Board (RDB) or through a Travel Agency/Tour Operator.

The price for a gorilla permit is $ 1,500.

There are 12 different gorilla families available for gorilla trekking, and only 8 visitors are allowed per family. This means there are only a total of 96 permits issued per day. So book your gorilla permit in advance.

What to bring

  • Your permit and passports are very crucial
  • Enough-water to last you 5 hours
  • Snacks to eat on the trek
  • Backpack to carry your stuff in
  • Ponchos or a rain jacket in case it rains
  • Gloves to protect yourself from elements like stinging nettles and thorny leaves.

What to wear

  • Hat
  • Jeans or thick pants- the thicker the better- stinging nettles are ruthless
  • Long sleeved shirt
  • Jacket- it gets cold as you’re in the mountains
  • Hiking boots, make sure they are well fitting and comfortable.

What to expect on the day-of Gorilla Trekking 

A tribal show

Before heading into the forests of Volcanoes National Park to look for mountain gorillas, you are treated to a tribal/cultural show. Get ready for some great dancing and singing. This goes on while your travel agent gives your permits and passports to the park guides to check you in.

Getting into groups

After the welcome dance, your travel agent/driver will let you know what group you have been assigned to. Then you find you group leader who will tell you about your assigned gorilla family.

Your leader will explain how your gorilla family was originally combined to make one gigantic group. The trekking families have at least eight members including silverbacks, babies and female gorillas.

Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda

Driving to your gorilla trek starting point

From the welcoming ceremony, check in point, you will then drive in a caravan with your group mates to the starting point of your hike. Since the gorillas roam freely, trackers will tell your guide where they are located in the misty forest, so that your hike is only a few hours, not a few days. You will drive for about an hour to reach the starting point, and part of the drive was uphill over gigantic volcanic rock. This is exactly why you need a land cruiser.

Reaching the start

The starting point of the hike is in a village on the outskirts of the mountain, there you can hire a porter for about $10 who will carry your backpack on the trek. It takes a load off your back and helps the local economy. By hiring a porter, you are supporting the local people, also you will get a hand-carved hiking stick to use on the trek.

The hike

Hiking through a mountain to find your gorilla family is an incredible experience, but be prepared for these few things.

  • Uphill hiking, depending on where you start, you might have a short hike, or a long hike. But be prepared
  • Bamboo forests, the lower elevation of the forest is almost entirely bamboo. Once you hit a certain elevations. It turns into the thick, lush jungle that you see in Tarzan.
  • Stinging nettles, your guide will tell you when to beware of stinging nettles. These are plants that sting painfully when they touch your bare skin. They do sting through your clothing, but it’s not nearly as bad. But you learn to tolerate that stinging sensation.
  • Expect rain, even in the dry season the rain is unpredictable in the mountains
  • The stopping point before the gorillas, your guide will stop you once you have met up with the trackers who are tracking your family. You will leave your belongings with the porters (everything except for cameras) and then hike a few more minutes until you reach your family.

Interacting with the mountain gorillas

The first time you lay your eyes on mountain gorillas, you will be blown away. Calm watch the gorillas grooming each other, babies playing and picking fruits with a silverback safe guarding the group.

Your guide will lead you a few kilometers and all you will have a closer look at the whole family including the playful babies.

 Note: keep a distance of 7 km away from the gorillas and even if the baby gorillas gets close to you, resist touching them.


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