Murchison falls national park

Masindi is 90 kilometers away from the thrilling safari location of Murchison Falls National Park, which is situated in Uganda’s northwest. The park is the most picturesque one because of its vast variety of wildlife and its many different populations. The 3840 square kilometers that make up Murchison Falls National Park make it the largest national park in the world.

Attractions in Murchison falls national park.

Murchison Falls.

The principal safari attraction in Murchison Falls National Park, from which the park derives its name, is Murchison Falls. Murchison Falls, the most powerful waterfall in the world, is formed when the Nile River compresses through a water pool with a 7 meter radius. This causes the falls to roar loudly, which can be heard from a few meters away, and the water to splash around the falls.

River Nile.

Once it passes through Murchison Fall National Park, the River Nile, the longest river in the world, serves as a major tourist destination. This is the main water source used in the park, and as it flows, many animal species converge to the shoreline to drink water and take baths.

This is the main water source used in the park, and as it flows, many animal species converge to the shoreline to drink water and take baths.

Top Of The Murchison Falls View.

The view from the top of the Murchison Falls is absolutely breathtaking. It is also the highest point on the Nile, and from here you can take in the sparkling sights and sounds of the Nile River as it rushes through a small gap.


Murchison falls national park is a wildlife safe heaven with the varying the number of over 76 mammalian species and great apes that harbors in the park’s woodland, tropical forests, savannah grassland, wetlands and among others. The main four mammal members of the “big four “the elephants, lions, leopards and buffalos are among the vital species of animals found in the park. The Uganda kob, hartebeest, Rothschild’s giraffe, and other animal species can also be seen in the park. Olive baboons, red-tailed monkeys, chimpanzees, black-and-white colobus monkeys, and other primates can be observed in the park.

Bird species.

Around 450 bird species, including native birds of the Albertine Rift, water bird species, and savannah birds, may be found in the Murchison Falls National Park, making it a mecca for birdwatchers. A few of the bird species that can be observed in Murchison falls national park includes Weaver birds, Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird, Martial Eagle, Silver bird, Long-tailed Nightjar, Sandpipers, Pied Kingfisher, Standard-winged Nightjar, Denhamn’s bustard, Giant Kingfisher, Palm-nut vulture, Eastern grey plantain-eater, Goliath heron, Silverbird, Malachite Kingfishers, Blue-headed Coucal and among others.


Paraa is an extremely popular and significant destination in Murchison falls national park that can be discovered on Uganda safari, Paraa is placed near to the banks of the Nile and name is a word that meaning a home of the hippos that are much located in the place. Paraa is the prime spot for bird watching, game drives, sport fishing, guided nature walks, launch boat rides, cultural experiences, and other activities while on a Uganda safari.

Budongo forest.

Budongo Forest, which has a size of 825 square kilometers, is part of the Murchison Conservation Area’s south-western region, along with Kaniyo Pabidi Forest. Budongo Forest is situated on cliffs northeast of Lake Albert. The forest is home to about 360 different bird species, over 290 different butterfly species, diverse tree species, monkeys, and other animals. The mahogany trees dominate the woodland, which is also home to chimpanzees.

Kaniyo Pabidi forest.

A few kilometers from Kichumbanyobo gate, in the southern part of the Murchison Falls Conservation Area, is the Kaniyo Forest. The Kaniyo Pabidi woodland in the Murchison Falls National Park is the greatest place to go chimpanzee trekking and bird watching. On a Uganda safari, you can witness many primates like olive baboons, blue monkeys, chimpanzees, black and white colobus monkeys, and other species in the Kaniyo Pabidi forest because it features mahogany trees and ironwood trees. With bird species including white-thighed hornbill zoothers, neatrapus cassini, yellow and grey long bills, and others, the woodland is also the ideal location for bird watching.

Activities to do in Murchison falls national park.

Game drives.

In Murchison Falls National Park, game drives are a wonderful safari excursion. As the largest national park in Uganda, the park offers tourists a higher probability to see the myriad animal species that consider the park as home. There are various game drives available in the Murchison Falls National Park, including morning, afternoon, and night game drives. They can occur in the Buligi Peninsula and in the vicinity of the Albert delta.

Bird watching.

With its large variety of bird species, including those from the Albertine Rift, water birds, and savannah forests, Murchison Falls National Park is a haven for birdwatchers. Warblers, Open-billed Storks, Black-bellied Bustards, Marabou Storks, Hornbills, Malachite Kingfishers, Swamp Flycatchers, Speckle-fronted Weavers, Squacco Flycatchers, shoebills, Red-throated Bee-eaters, White-browned Sparrow-Weavers, Secretary Birds, and other bird species can all be seen in Murchison Falls National Park. The park offers a variety of locations, including Rabongo Forest, Budongo Forest, Kaniyo Pabidi, and others, that provide the prime birding safaris.

Nature walks and hiking.

A most prized and thrilling safari activity is taking part in nature hikes and walks, which you can do at Murchison Falls National Park with the guidance of a knowledgeable guide who can show you the right trails like Kaniyo Pabidi, woodlands. At that area, visitors can see the animals and primates that are present in the park through interacting with certain bird species. Afterwards, when travelers take in the breath-takingly cool and fresh atmosphere, guided treks to the Albert delta are equally fantastic.

Hot air balloon safaris.

This vital and illusive safari activity that takes place at Murchison Falls National Park is a hot air balloon safari. This may be arranged through Dream Balloon at Paraa Safari Lodge, where visitors can take in an aerial perspective of the park. The best time to watch early animal species, the sunrise, and the evening is in the early morning before the sun comes up. Even so, the morning hot air balloon is still spectacular and what makes it the most intriguing is that it comes with breakfast.

Sport fishing.

In Murchison Falls National Park, sport fishing is performed, and it comprises catching many fish species, including tilapia, Nile perch, tiger fish, catfish, and Ngara. The park offers authorized fishing areas where visitors can indulge in this activity, and once they catch something, they are permitted to bring it home to roast and enjoy.

Hiking to the top of the falls.

Travelers who take a boat cruise to the bottom of the falls generally include a hike to the top of the falls in their tour. Hikers start at the base of the falls and climb for 45 minutes before being rewarded with a stunning view of the falls from above. You may enjoy the sound of the waterfalls as they sparkle here while spotting different animal and bird species that make the area home.

Chimpanzee trekking.

Chimpanzee trekking is an imaginative safari activity in Murchison falls national park that starts with a briefing in the morning about the rules and regulations. After completing a briefing, trekkers start their hour-long encounter with the chimpanzees in the Budongo tropical rainforest as they walk across the area in search of the primates. This process can take anywhere between 30 and 4 hours, depending on the location of the chimps. And once found you spend one in their presence.

Boat cruise.

One of the popular safari activities at Murchison Falls National Park is a boat cruise. The boat cruise to the base of the falls is conducted in two stages, while the boat cruise to the Victoria Nile delta, which stretches to the shores of Lake Albert, is conducted in the other direction. These boat excursions depart from the Parra jetty landing point and give you the chance to take in the breathtaking vistas of the Murchison Falls, as well as hippos, crocodiles, and various other animals that live along the water’s edge. Water bird species like the goliath heron, African fish eagle, Senegal thick knee, blue-headed coucal, and grey-headed heron are among many others can as well be sighted.

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