Mount Rwenzori National Park

In close proximity to Virunga National Park in the south-western region of Uganda, Mount Rwenzori National Park is a notable safari destination. It shares a border with the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The park is located in the districts of Bundibugyo, Kasese, and Kabarole and occupies a space of around 386 square kilometers. The Mount Rwenzori National Park is renowned for its stunning natural scenery, which provides visitors with the ideal viewing of greenery like as rivers, lakes, waterfalls, unique flora, glaciers, mountains, and more. The majority of people refer to Mount Rwenzori National Park predominantly as “mountain of the moon,” which sounds unusual and is the main reason why most tourists visit the area.

Attractions In Mount Rwenzori National Park.


Over 70 different mammal species can be found at Mount Rwenzori National Park, including those that are unique to the Albertine Rift. Elephants, Rwenzori otter, leopards, and more species can be found in Mount Rwenzori National Park. Also, the park is a haven for many primate species, including blue and black and white colobus monkeys, as well as tiny antelopes like bushbucks and a wide variety of reptiles.


In contradiction to other safari destinations, Mount Rwenzori National Park offers a really appealing ecosystem with a broad range of stunning plants. The majority of the park’s vegetation is visible, especially while going on a hiking safari through tree heathers, montane forest, Afro-alpine, and bamboo. One of the world’s most distinctive plant communities, the afro-alpine, with its recognizable large forms of Senecio and Lobelia, can only be found in East African Mountains above 3800 meters.

Bird Species.

With approximately 217 different bird species and 17 different indigenous Albertine Rift species, Mount Rwenzori National Park is a popular destination for birding safaris. Rwenzori is an important birding hotspot. Slender-billed starling, Rwenzori Batis, Boubou, Long-eared Owl, Rwenzori Turaco, Odd Weaver, Apalises, Flycatchers and Crimson wings, Greenbuls, among other bird species, are some of the kinds of birds found in Mount Rwenzori National Park.

Activities To Do In Mount Rwenzori National Park.

Mountain Climbing.

With the third-highest peak in all of Africa, Margarita, located within the Rwenzori Mountain National Park, mountain climbing is a fantastic and well-liked safari activity there. It takes seven days to reach the peak. Visitors do enjoy mountain climbing safari in the park with the nicest paths that are such scenic routes to the pinnacle of the mountain. Many routes provide exciting and satisfying viewing locations, including glacial lakes, breathtaking mountain passes, verdant valleys, breathtaking vistas, and others.

Hiking And Nature Walk.

The best safari experiences is provided by Mount Rwenzori National Park, where visitors may see the mountain’s natural beauty and find out about the park’s secret treasures. With the support of a competent safari guide who led you to the ideal trails and provided you with a magical view of wildlife such as the Buraro chimp forest, Lake Muhooma, and others.

The basic hiking trails from Kichamhe to Karangura Ridge are also used by tourists.

The settlements of Ruboni and Turaco, which provide tourists with guided forest walks of varying lengths outside the park, are encountered during nature treks in the Mount Rwenzori national park. Also, while taking one of the various nature trails, you can explore River Mubuku while getting a glimpse of Mount Baker and the gateway peaks. Along with seeing many animal species like squirrels, Vervet monkeys, chameleons, and several bird species, you may also get a basic glimpse of the snow-capped Margherita peak.

Cultural Experience.

The cultural experience is a fantastic safari activity that visitors to Mount Rwenzori National Park take part in. The most admirable one to be experienced will be when the tourists with the knowledgeable safari guides proceed to visit the Bakozo locals in their homes through the Rwenzori foothills. Visitors can watch a vibrant dance performance accompanied by energetic drumming here, meet a blacksmith and a basket weaver, listen to wonderful storytellers, learn how to make their own food, and more.

Bird Watching.

When visiting the Mount Rwenzori National Park, bird enthusiasts take advantage of the safari activities to see the park’s 217 different bird species. Tourists take pleasure in viewing rare bird species including Robins, Sunbirds, Rwenzori Turacos, Evergreen Forest, Long-Eared Owls, Red-Throated Alethes, Stripe-breasted Tits, Illadopsis, Handsome Francolins, Bearded Vultures, Olive-back and White-starred Robins, among others.

Wildlife Viewing.

The Mount Rwenzori National Park is a great safari location with fantastic wildlife watching for visitors. The park provides visitors with a beautiful scenery of the beautiful landscape, complete with numerous trees and unusual vegetation, abundant sunshine, heavy rainfall, and low temperatures that encourage the growth of unusual plant life. The Rwenzori colobus, L’hoest’s, rock hydrax, leopards, Rwenzori otter, blue monkey, golden cats, blue monkey, forest elephant, red duiker, Rwenzori colobus, L’hoest’s, rock hydrax, and other animal species call the savannah grassland at the mountain’s edge home.

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